Hey parents!

We’re excited that you’re considering sending your child to an outdoor education program at The Coastal Institute at Camp Ocean Pines!  Camp Ocean Pines is a camp and conference center located on California’s central coast about halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Our facility sits on 12 acres of Monterey Pine forest surrounded by protected land with fantastic views of the Pacific ocean.  In this uniquely beautiful coastal setting, students are able to learn about the forest, the ocean, and everything in between.

Your child’s teacher will choose the lessons and activities that fit best with their curriculum and we will use that information to make up a schedule.  All of our lessons are built around the idea of curiosity-based learning.  Specifically, we’ve designed them with the goals of awakening curiosity, exploring nature, and creating connections.  We want your child to become curious, ask questions, touch and explore the world around them.  Along the way, they will learn how our environment connects together and back to us. Learning has never been so fun!

This website should give you a good overview of what lessons we offer and what we’re about.  If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call at 805-924-4015.  I look forward to sharing our approach to hands-on learning with your child and their class.


Bill Thornton

Outdoor Education Director

The Coastal Institute at Camp Ocean Pines

805-924-4015 (direct office line)
